Frank Goossens on "[Plugin: Autoptimize] Working perfect with IE and Chrome but not under Firefox"

ساخت وبلاگ

Found that the exact code that breaks is

if (typeof Object.create !== "function") { Object.create = function (obj) { function F() {} F.prototype = obj; retu new F(); };
(function ($, window, document) { var Carousel = { init : function (options, el) { var base = this; base.$elem = $(el); base.options = $.extend({}, $.fn.owlCarousel.options, base.$, options); base.userOptions = options; base.loadContent(); }, loadContent : function () { var base = this, url; function getData(data) { var i, content = ""; if (typeof base.options.jsonSuccess === "function") { base.options.jsonSuccess.apply(this, [data]); } else { for (i in data.owl) { if (data.owl.hasOwnProperty(i)) { content += data.owl[i].item; } } base.$elem.html(content); } base.logIn(); } if (typeof base.options.beforeInit === "function") { base.options.beforeInit.apply(this, [base.$elem]); } if (typeof base.options.jsonPath === "string") { url = base.options.jsonPath; $.getJSON(url, getData); } else { base.logIn(); } }, logIn : function () { var base = this; base.$"owl-originalStyles", base.$elem.attr("style")); base.$"owl-originalClasses", base.$elem.attr("class")); base.$elem.css({opacity: 0}); base.orignalItems = base.options.items; base.checkBrowser(); base.wrapperWidth = 0; base.checkVisible = null; base.setVars(); }, setVars : function () { var base = this; if (base.$elem.children().length === 0) {retu false; } base.baseClass(); base.eventTypes(); base.$userItems = base.$elem.children(); base.itemsAmount = base.$userItems.length; base.wrapItems(); base.$owlItems = base.$elem.find(".owl-item"); base.$owlWrapper = base.$elem.find(".owl-wrapper"); base.playDirection = "next"; base.prevItem = 0; base.prevArr = [0]; base.currentItem = 0; base.customEvents(); base.onStartup(); }, onStartup : function () { var base = this; base.updateItems(); base.calculateAll(); base.buildControls(); base.updateControls(); base.response(); base.moveEvents(); base.stopOnHover(); base.owlStatus(); if (base.options.transitionStyle !== false) { base.transitionTypes(base.options.transitionStyle); } if (base.options.autoPlay === true) { base.options.autoPlay = 5000; }; base.$elem.find(".owl-wrapper").css("display", "block"); if (!base.$":visible")) { base.watchVisibility(); 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if (base.$":visible") === false) { base.$elem.css({opacity: 0}); window.clearInterval(base.autoPlayInterval); window.clearInterval(base.checkVisible); } else { retu false; } base.checkVisible = window.setInterval(function () { if (base.$":visible")) { base.reload(); base.$elem.animate({opacity: 1}, 200); window.clearInterval(base.checkVisible); } }, 500); }, wrapItems : function () { var base = this; base.$userItems.wrapAll("<div class="owl-wrapper">").wrap("<div class="owl-item"></div>"); base.$elem.find(".owl-wrapper").wrap("<div class="owl-wrapper-outer">"); base.wrapperOuter = base.$elem.find(".owl-wrapper-outer"); base.$elem.css("display", "block"); }, baseClass : function () { var base = this, hasBaseClass = base.$elem.hasClass(base.options.baseClass), hasThemeClass = base.$elem.hasClass(base.options.theme); if (!hasBaseClass) { base.$elem.addClass(base.options.baseClass); } if (!hasThemeClass) { base.$elem.addClass(base.options.theme); } }, updateItems : function () { var base = this, width, i; if (base.options.responsive === false) { retu false; } if (base.options.singleItem === true) { base.options.items = base.orignalItems = 1; base.options.itemsCustom = false; base.options.itemsDesktop = false; base.options.itemsDesktopSmall = false; base.options.itemsTablet = false; base.options.itemsTabletSmall = false; base.options.itemsMobile = false; retu false; } width = $(base.options.responsiveBaseWidth).width(); if (width > (base.options.itemsDesktop[0] || base.orignalItems)) { base.options.items = base.orignalItems; } if (base.options.itemsCustom !== false) { //Reorder array by screen size base.options.itemsCustom.sort(function (a, b) {retu a[0] - b[0]; }); for (i = 0; i < base.options.itemsCustom.length; i += 1) { if (base.options.itemsCustom[i][0] <= width) { base.options.items = base.options.itemsCustom[i][1]; } } } else { if (width <= base.options.itemsDesktop[0] && base.options.itemsDesktop !== false) { base.options.items = base.options.itemsDesktop[1]; } if (width <= base.options.itemsDesktopSmall[0] && base.options.itemsDesktopSmall !== false) { base.options.items = base.options.itemsDesktopSmall[1]; } if (width <= base.options.itemsTablet[0] && base.options.itemsTablet !== false) { base.options.items = base.options.itemsTablet[1]; } if (width <= base.options.itemsTabletSmall[0] && base.options.itemsTabletSmall !== false) { base.options.items = base.options.itemsTabletSmall[1]; } if (width <= base.options.itemsMobile[0] && base.options.itemsMobile !== false) { base.options.items = base.options.itemsMobile[1]; } } //if number of items is less than declared if (base.options.items > base.itemsAmount && base.options.itemsScaleUp === true) { base.options.items = base.itemsAmount; } }, response : function () { var base = this, smallDelay, lastWindowWidth; if (base.options.responsive !== true) { retu false; } lastWindowWidth = $(window).width(); base.resizer = function () { if ($(window).width() !== lastWindowWidth) { if (base.options.autoPlay !== false) { window.clearInterval(base.autoPlayInterval); } window.clearTimeout(smallDelay); smallDelay = window.setTimeout(function () { lastWindowWidth = $(window).width(); base.updateVars(); }, base.options.responsiveRefreshRate); } }; $(window).resize(base.resizer); }, updatePosition : function () { var base = this; base.jumpTo(base.currentItem); if (base.options.autoPlay !== false) { base.checkAp(); } }, appendItemsSizes : function () { var base = this, roundPages = 0, lastItem = base.itemsAmount - base.options.items; base.$owlItems.each(function (index) { var $this = $(this); $this .css({"width": base.itemWidth}) .data("owl-item", Number(index)); if (index % base.options.items === 0 || index === lastItem) { if (!(index > lastItem)) { roundPages += 1; } } $"owl-roundPages", roundPages); }); }, appendWrapperSizes : function () { var base = this, width = base.$owlItems.length * base.itemWidth; base.$owlWrapper.css({ "width": width * 2, "left": 0 }); base.appendItemsSizes(); }, calculateAll : function () { var base = this; base.calculateWidth(); base.appendWrapperSizes(); base.loops(); base.max(); }, calculateWidth : function () { var base = this; base.itemWidth = Math.round(base.$elem.width() / base.options.items); 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} if (base.options.pagination === true) { base.buildPagination(); } if (base.options.navigation === true) { base.buildButtons(); } }, buildButtons : function () { var base = this, buttonsWrapper = $("<div class="owl-buttons"/>"); base.owlControls.append(buttonsWrapper); base.buttonPrev = $("<div/>", { "class" : "owl-prev", "html" : base.options.navigationText[0] || "" }); base.buttonNext = $("<div/>", { "class" : "owl-next", "html" : base.options.navigationText[1] || "" }); buttonsWrapper .append(base.buttonPrev) .append(base.buttonNext); buttonsWrapper.on("touchstart.owlControls mousedown.owlControls", "div[class^="owl"]", function (event) { event.preventDefault(); }); buttonsWrapper.on("touchend.owlControls mouseup.owlControls", "div[class^="owl"]", function (event) { event.preventDefault(); if ($(this).hasClass("owl-next")) {; } else { base.prev(); } }); }, buildPagination : function () { var base = this; base.paginationWrapper = $("<div class="owl-pagination"/>"); base.owlControls.append(base.paginationWrapper); base.paginationWrapper.on("touchend.owlControls mouseup.owlControls", ".owl-page", function (event) { event.preventDefault(); if (Number($(this).data("owl-page")) !== base.currentItem) { base.goTo(Number($(this).data("owl-page")), true); } }); }, updatePagination : function () { var base = this, counter, lastPage, lastItem, i, paginationButton, paginationButtonInner; if (base.options.pagination === false) { retu false; } base.paginationWrapper.html(""); counter = 0; lastPage = base.itemsAmount - base.itemsAmount % base.options.items; for (i = 0; i < base.itemsAmount; i += 1) { if (i % base.options.items === 0) { counter += 1; if (lastPage === i) { lastItem = base.itemsAmount - base.options.items; } paginationButton = $("<div/>", { "class" : "owl-page" }); paginationButtonInner = $("<span></span>", { "text": base.options.paginationNumbers === true ? counter : "", "class": base.options.paginationNumbers === true ? "owl-numbers" : "" }); paginationButton.append(paginationButtonInner);"owl-page", lastPage === i ? lastItem : i);"owl-roundPages", counter); base.paginationWrapper.append(paginationButton); } } base.checkPagination(); }, checkPagination : function () { var base = this; if (base.options.pagination === false) { retu false; } base.paginationWrapper.find(".owl-page").each(function () { if ($(this).data("owl-roundPages") === $(base.$owlItems[base.currentItem]).data("owl-roundPages")) { base.paginationWrapper .find(".owl-page") .removeClass("active"); $(this).addClass("active"); } }); }, checkNavigation : function () { var base = this; if (base.options.navigation === false) { retu false; } if (base.options.rewindNav === false) { if (base.currentItem === 0 && base.maximumItem === 0) { base.buttonPrev.addClass("disabled"); base.buttonNext.addClass("disabled"); } else if (base.currentItem === 0 && base.maximumItem !== 0) { base.buttonPrev.addClass("disabled"); base.buttonNext.removeClass("disabled"); } else if (base.currentItem === base.maximumItem) { base.buttonPrev.removeClass("disabled"); base.buttonNext.addClass("disabled"); } else if (base.currentItem !== 0 && base.currentItem !== base.maximumItem) { base.buttonPrev.removeClass("disabled"); base.buttonNext.removeClass("disabled"); } } }, updateControls : function () { var base = this; base.updatePagination(); base.checkNavigation(); if (base.owlControls) { if (base.options.items >= base.itemsAmount) { base.owlControls.hide(); } else {; } } }, destroyControls : function () { var base = this; if (base.owlControls) { base.owlControls.remove(); } }, next : function (speed) { var base = this; if (base.isTransition) { retu false; } base.currentItem += base.options.scrollPerPage === true ? base.options.items : 1; if (base.currentItem > base.maximumItem + (base.options.scrollPerPage === true ? (base.options.items - 1) : 0)) { if (base.options.rewindNav === true) { base.currentItem = 0; speed = "rewind"; } else { base.currentItem = base.maximumItem; retu false; } } base.goTo(base.currentItem, speed); }, prev : function (speed) { var base = this; if (base.isTransition) { retu false; } if (base.options.scrollPerPage === true && base.currentItem > 0 && base.currentItem < base.options.items) { base.currentItem = 0; } else { base.currentItem -= base.options.scrollPerPage === true ? base.options.items : 1; } if (base.currentItem < 0) { if (base.options.rewindNav === true) { base.currentItem = base.maximumItem; speed = "rewind"; } else { base.currentItem = 0; retu false; } } base.goTo(base.currentItem, speed); }, goTo : function (position, speed, drag) { var base = this, goToPixel; if (base.isTransition) { retu false; } if (typeof base.options.beforeMove === "function") { base.options.beforeMove.apply(this, [base.$elem]); } if (position >= base.maximumItem) { position = base.maximumItem; 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} base.transition3d(goToPixel); } else { if (speed === true) { base.css2slide(goToPixel, base.options.paginationSpeed); } else if (speed === "rewind") { base.css2slide(goToPixel, base.options.rewindSpeed); } else { base.css2slide(goToPixel, base.options.slideSpeed); } } base.afterGo(); }, jumpTo : function (position) { var base = this; if (typeof base.options.beforeMove === "function") { base.options.beforeMove.apply(this, [base.$elem]); } if (position >= base.maximumItem || position === -1) { position = base.maximumItem; } else if (position <= 0) { position = 0; } base.swapSpeed(0); if (base.browser.support3d === true) { base.transition3d(base.positionsInArray[position]); } else { base.css2slide(base.positionsInArray[position], 1); } base.currentItem = base.owl.currentItem = position; base.afterGo(); }, afterGo : function () { var base = this; base.prevArr.push(base.currentItem); base.prevItem = base.owl.prevItem = base.prevArr[base.prevArr.length - 2]; base.prevArr.shift(0); if (base.prevItem !== base.currentItem) { base.checkPagination(); base.checkNavigation(); base.eachMoveUpdate(); if (base.options.autoPlay !== false) { base.checkAp(); } } if (typeof base.options.afterMove === "function" && base.prevItem !== base.currentItem) { base.options.afterMove.apply(this, [base.$elem]); } }, stop : function () { var base = this; base.apStatus = "stop"; window.clearInterval(base.autoPlayInterval); }, checkAp : function () { var base = this; if (base.apStatus !== "stop") {; } }, play : function () { var base = this; base.apStatus = "play"; if (base.options.autoPlay === false) { retu false; } window.clearInterval(base.autoPlayInterval); base.autoPlayInterval = window.setInterval(function () {; }, base.options.autoPlay); }, swapSpeed : function (action) { var base = this; if (action === "slideSpeed") { base.$owlWrapper.css(base.addCssSpeed(base.options.slideSpeed)); } else if (action === "paginationSpeed") { base.$owlWrapper.css(base.addCssSpeed(base.options.paginationSpeed)); } else if (typeof action !== "string") { base.$owlWrapper.css(base.addCssSpeed(action)); } }, addCssSpeed : function (speed) { retu { "-webkit-transition": "all " + speed + "ms ease", "-moz-transition": "all " + speed + "ms ease", "-o-transition": "all " + speed + "ms ease", "transition": "all " + speed + "ms ease" }; }, removeTransition : function () { retu { "-webkit-transition": "", "-moz-transition": "", "-o-transition": "", "transition": "" }; }, doTranslate : function (pixels) { retu { "-webkit-transform": "translate3d(" + pixels + "px, 0px, 0px)", "-moz-transform": "translate3d(" + pixels + "px, 0px, 0px)", "-o-transform": "translate3d(" + pixels + "px, 0px, 0px)", "-ms-transform": "translate3d(" + pixels + "px, 0px, 0px)", "transform": "translate3d(" + pixels + "px, 0px,0px)" }; }, transition3d : function (value) { var base = this; base.$owlWrapper.css(base.doTranslate(value)); }, css2move : function (value) { var base = this; base.$owlWrapper.css({"left" : value}); }, css2slide : function (value, speed) { var base = this; base.isCssFinish = false; base.$owlWrapper.stop(true, true).animate({ "left" : value }, { duration : speed || base.options.slideSpeed, complete : function () { base.isCssFinish = true; } }); }, checkBrowser : function () { var base = this, translate3D = "translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px)", tempElem = document.createElement("div"), regex, asSupport, support3d, isTouch; = " -moz-transform:" + translate3D + "; -ms-transform:" + translate3D + "; -o-transform:" + translate3D + "; -webkit-transform:" + translate3D + "; transform:" + translate3D; regex = /translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px)/g; asSupport =; support3d = (asSupport !== null && asSupport.length === 1); isTouch = "ontouchstart" in window || window.navigator.msMaxTouchPoints; base.browser = { "support3d" : support3d, "isTouch" : isTouch }; }, moveEvents : function () { var base = this; if (base.options.mouseDrag !== false || base.options.touchDrag !== false) { base.gestures(); base.disabledEvents(); } }, eventTypes : function () { var base = this, types = ["s", "e", "x"]; base.ev_types = {}; if (base.options.mouseDrag === true && base.options.touchDrag === true) { types = [ "touchstart.owl mousedown.owl", "touchmove.owl mousemove.owl", "touchend.owl touchcancel.owl mouseup.owl" ]; } else if (base.options.mouseDrag === false && base.options.touchDrag === true) { types = [ "touchstart.owl", "touchmove.owl", "touchend.owl touchcancel.owl" ]; } else if (base.options.mouseDrag === true && base.options.touchDrag === false) { types = [ "mousedown.owl", "mousemove.owl", "mouseup.owl" ]; } base.ev_types.start = types[0]; base.ev_types.move = types[1]; base.ev_types.end = types[2]; }, disabledEvents : function () { var base = this; base.$elem.on("dragstart.owl", function (event) { event.preventDefault(); }); base.$elem.on("mousedown.disableTextSelect", function (e) { retu $('input, textarea, select, option'); }); }, gestures : function () { /*jslint unparam: true*/ var base = this, locals = { offsetX : 0, offsetY : 0, baseElWidth : 0, relativePos : 0, position: null, minSwipe : null, maxSwipe: null, sliding : null, dargging: null, targetElement : null }; base.isCssFinish = true; function getTouches(event) { if (event.touches !== undefined) { retu { x : event.touches[0].pageX, y : event.touches[0].pageY }; } if (event.touches === undefined) { if (event.pageX !== undefined) { retu { x : event.pageX, y : event.pageY }; } if (event.pageX === undefined) { retu { x : event.clientX, y : event.clientY }; } } } function swapEvents(type) { if (type === "on") { $(document).on(base.ev_types.move, dragMove); $(document).on(base.ev_types.end, dragEnd); } else if (type === "off") { $(document).off(base.ev_types.move); $(document).off(base.ev_types.end); } } function dragStart(event) { var ev = event.originalEvent || event || window.event, position; if (ev.which === 3) { retu false; } if (base.itemsAmount <= base.options.items) { retu; } if (base.isCssFinish === false && !base.options.dragBeforeAnimFinish) { retu false; } if (base.isCss3Finish === false && !base.options.dragBeforeAnimFinish) { retu false; } if (base.options.autoPlay !== false) { window.clearInterval(base.autoPlayInterval); } if (base.browser.isTouch !== true && !base.$owlWrapper.hasClass("grabbing")) { base.$owlWrapper.addClass("grabbing"); } base.newPosX = 0; base.newRelativeX = 0; $(this).css(base.removeTransition()); position = $(this).position(); locals.relativePos = position.left; locals.offsetX = getTouches(ev).x - position.left; locals.offsetY = getTouches(ev).y -; swapEvents("on"); locals.sliding = false; locals.targetElement = || ev.srcElement; } function dragMove(event) { var ev = event.originalEvent || event || window.event, minSwipe, maxSwipe; base.newPosX = getTouches(ev).x - locals.offsetX; base.newPosY = getTouches(ev).y - locals.offsetY; base.newRelativeX = base.newPosX - locals.relativePos; if (typeof base.options.startDragging === "function" && locals.dragging !== true && base.newRelativeX !== 0) { locals.dragging = true; base.options.startDragging.apply(base, [base.$elem]); } if ((base.newRelativeX > 8 || base.newRelativeX < -8) && (base.browser.isTouch === true)) { if (ev.preventDefault !== undefined) { ev.preventDefault(); } else { ev.retuValue = false; } locals.sliding = true; } if ((base.newPosY > 10 || base.newPosY < -10) && locals.sliding === false) { $(document).off("touchmove.owl"); } minSwipe = function () { retu base.newRelativeX / 5; }; maxSwipe = function () { retu base.maximumPixels + base.newRelativeX / 5; }; base.newPosX = Math.max(Math.min(base.newPosX, minSwipe()), maxSwipe()); if (base.browser.support3d === true) { base.transition3d(base.newPosX); } else { base.css2move(base.newPosX); } } function dragEnd(event) { var ev = event.originalEvent || event || window.event, newPosition, handlers, owlStopEvent; = || ev.srcElement; locals.dragging = false; if (base.browser.isTouch !== true) { base.$owlWrapper.removeClass("grabbing"); } if (base.newRelativeX < 0) { base.dragDirection = base.owl.dragDirection = "left"; } else { base.dragDirection = base.owl.dragDirection = "right"; } if (base.newRelativeX !== 0) { newPosition = base.getNewPosition(); base.goTo(newPosition, false, "drag"); if (locals.targetElement === && base.browser.isTouch !== true) { $("click.disable", function (ev) { ev.stopImmediatePropagation(); ev.stopPropagation(); ev.preventDefault(); $("click.disable"); }); handlers = $._data(, "events").click; owlStopEvent = handlers.pop(); handlers.splice(0, 0, owlStopEvent); } } swapEvents("off"); } base.$elem.on(base.ev_types.start, ".owl-wrapper", dragStart); }, getNewPosition : function () { var base = this, newPosition = base.closestItem(); if (newPosition > base.maximumItem) { base.currentItem = base.maximumItem; newPosition = base.maximumItem; } else if (base.newPosX >= 0) { newPosition = 0; base.currentItem = 0; } retu newPosition; }, closestItem : function () { var base = this, array = base.options.scrollPerPage === true ? base.pagesInArray : base.positionsInArray, goal = base.newPosX, closest = null; $.each(array, function (i, v) { if (goal - (base.itemWidth / 20) > array[i + 1] && goal - (base.itemWidth / 20) < v && base.moveDirection() === "left") { closest = v; if (base.options.scrollPerPage === true) { base.currentItem = $.inArray(closest, base.positionsInArray); } else { base.currentItem = i; } } else if (goal + (base.itemWidth / 20) < v && goal + (base.itemWidth / 20) > (array[i + 1] || array[i] - base.itemWidth) && base.moveDirection() === "right") { if (base.options.scrollPerPage === true) { closest = array[i + 1] || array[array.length - 1]; base.currentItem = $.inArray(closest, base.positionsInArray); } else { closest = array[i + 1]; base.currentItem = i + 1; } } }); retu base.currentItem; }, moveDirection : function () { var base = this, direction; if (base.newRelativeX < 0) { direction = "right"; base.playDirection = "next"; } else { direction = "left"; base.playDirection = "prev"; } retu direction; }, customEvents : function () { /*jslint unparam: true*/ var base = this; base.$elem.on("", function () {; }); base.$elem.on("owl.prev", function () { base.prev(); }); base.$elem.on("", function (event, speed) { base.options.autoPlay = speed;; base.hoverStatus = "play"; }); base.$elem.on("owl.stop", function () { base.stop(); base.hoverStatus = "stop"; }); base.$elem.on("owl.goTo", function (event, item) { base.goTo(item); }); base.$elem.on("owl.jumpTo", function (event, item) { base.jumpTo(item); }); }, stopOnHover : function () { var base = this; if (base.options.stopOnHover === true && base.browser.isTouch !== true && base.options.autoPlay !== false) { base.$elem.on("mouseover", function () { base.stop(); }); base.$elem.on("mouseout", function () { if (base.hoverStatus !== "stop") {; } }); } }, lazyLoad : function () { var base = this, i, $item, itemNumber, $lazyImg, follow; if (base.options.lazyLoad === false) { retu false; } for (i = 0; i < base.itemsAmount; i += 1) { $item = $(base.$owlItems[i]); if ($"owl-loaded") === "loaded") { continue; } itemNumber = $"owl-item"); $lazyImg = $item.find(".lazyOwl"); if (typeof $"src") !== "string") { $"owl-loaded", "loaded"); continue; } if ($"owl-loaded") === undefined) { $lazyImg.hide(); $item.addClass("loading").data("owl-loaded", "checked"); } if (base.options.lazyFollow === true) { follow = itemNumber >= base.currentItem; } else { follow = true; } if (follow && itemNumber < base.currentItem + base.options.items && $lazyImg.length) { base.lazyPreload($item, $lazyImg); } } }, lazyPreload : function ($item, $lazyImg) { var base = this, iterations = 0, isBackgroundImg; if ($lazyImg.prop("tagName") === "DIV") { $lazyImg.css("background-image", "url(" + $"src") + ")"); isBackgroundImg = true; } else { $lazyImg[0].src = $"src"); } function showImage() { $"owl-loaded", "loaded").removeClass("loading"); $lazyImg.removeAttr("data-src"); if (base.options.lazyEffect === "fade") { $lazyImg.fadeIn(400); } else { $; } if (typeof base.options.afterLazyLoad === "function") { base.options.afterLazyLoad.apply(this, [base.$elem]); } } function checkLazyImage() { iterations += 1; if (base.completeImg($lazyImg.get(0)) || isBackgroundImg === true) { showImage(); } else if (iterations <= 100) {//if image loads in less than 10 seconds window.setTimeout(checkLazyImage, 100); } else { showImage(); } } checkLazyImage(); }, autoHeight : function () { var base = this, $currentimg = $(base.$owlItems[base.currentItem]).find("img"), iterations; function addHeight() { var $currentItem = $(base.$owlItems[base.currentItem]).height(); base.wrapperOuter.css("height", $currentItem + "px"); if (!base.wrapperOuter.hasClass("autoHeight")) { window.setTimeout(function () { base.wrapperOuter.addClass("autoHeight"); }, 0); } } function checkImage() { iterations += 1; if (base.completeImg($currentimg.get(0))) { addHeight(); } else if (iterations <= 100) { //if image loads in less than 10 seconds window.setTimeout(checkImage, 100); } else { base.wrapperOuter.css("height", ""); //Else remove height attribute } } if ($currentimg.get(0) !== undefined) { iterations = 0; checkImage(); } else { addHeight(); } }, completeImg : function (img) { var naturalWidthType; if (!img.complete) { retu false; } naturalWidthType = typeof img.naturalWidth; if (naturalWidthType !== "undefined" && img.naturalWidth === 0) { retu false; } retu true; }, onVisibleItems : function () { var base = this, i; if (base.options.addClassActive === true) { base.$owlItems.removeClass("active"); } base.visibleItems = []; for (i = base.currentItem; i < base.currentItem + base.options.items; i += 1) { base.visibleItems.push(i); if (base.options.addClassActive === true) { $(base.$owlItems[i]).addClass("active"); } } base.owl.visibleItems = base.visibleItems; }, transitionTypes : function (className) { var base = this; //Currently available: "fade", "backSlide", "goDown", "fadeUp" base.outClass = "owl-" + className + "-out"; base.inClass = "owl-" + className + "-in"; }, singleItemTransition : function () { var base = this, outClass = base.outClass, inClass = base.inClass, $currentItem = base.$owlItems.eq(base.currentItem), $prevItem = base.$owlItems.eq(base.prevItem), prevPos = Math.abs(base.positionsInArray[base.currentItem]) + base.positionsInArray[base.prevItem], origin = Math.abs(base.positionsInArray[base.currentItem]) + base.itemWidth / 2, animEnd = 'webkitAnimationEnd oAnimationEnd MSAnimationEnd animationend'; base.isTransition = true; base.$owlWrapper .addClass('owl-origin') .css({ "-webkit-transform-origin" : origin + "px", "-moz-perspective-origin" : origin + "px", "perspective-origin" : origin + "px" }); function transStyles(prevPos) { retu { "position" : "relative", "left" : prevPos + "px" }; } $prevItem .css(transStyles(prevPos, 10)) .addClass(outClass) .on(animEnd, function () { base.endPrev = true; $; base.clearTransStyle($prevItem, outClass); }); $currentItem .addClass(inClass) .on(animEnd, function () { base.endCurrent = true; $; base.clearTransStyle($currentItem, inClass); }); }, clearTransStyle : function (item, classToRemove) { var base = this; item.css({ "position" : "", "left" : "" }).removeClass(classToRemove); if (base.endPrev && base.endCurrent) { base.$owlWrapper.removeClass('owl-origin'); base.endPrev = false; base.endCurrent = false; base.isTransition = false; } }, owlStatus : function () { var base = this; base.owl = { "userOptions" : base.userOptions, "baseElement" : base.$elem, "userItems" : base.$userItems, "owlItems" : base.$owlItems, "currentItem" : base.currentItem, "prevItem" : base.prevItem, "visibleItems" : base.visibleItems, "isTouch" : base.browser.isTouch, "browser" : base.browser, "dragDirection" : base.dragDirection }; }, clearEvents : function () { var base = this; base.$".owl owl mousedown.disableTextSelect"); $(document).off(".owl owl"); $(window).off("resize", base.resizer); }, unWrap : function () { var base = this; if (base.$elem.children().length !== 0) { base.$owlWrapper.unwrap(); base.$userItems.unwrap().unwrap(); if (base.owlControls) { base.owlControls.remove(); } } base.clearEvents(); base.$elem .attr("style", base.$"owl-originalStyles") || "") .attr("class", base.$"owl-originalClasses")); }, destroy : function () { var base = this; base.stop(); window.clearInterval(base.checkVisible); base.unWrap(); base.$elem.removeData(); }, reinit : function (newOptions) { var base = this, options = $.extend({}, base.userOptions, newOptions); base.unWrap(); base.init(options, base.$elem); }, addItem : function (htmlString, targetPosition) { var base = this, position; if (!htmlString) {retu false; } if (base.$elem.children().length === 0) { base.$elem.append(htmlString); base.setVars(); retu false; } base.unWrap(); if (targetPosition === undefined || targetPosition === -1) { position = -1; } else { position = targetPosition; } if (position >= base.$userItems.length || position === -1) { base.$userItems.eq(-1).after(htmlString); } else { base.$userItems.eq(position).before(htmlString); } base.setVars(); }, removeItem : function (targetPosition) { var base = this, position; if (base.$elem.children().length === 0) { retu false; } if (targetPosition === undefined || targetPosition === -1) { position = -1; } else { position = targetPosition; } base.unWrap(); base.$userItems.eq(position).remove(); base.setVars(); } }; $.fn.owlCarousel = function (options) { retu this.each(function () { if ($(this).data("owl-init") === true) { retu false; } $(this).data("owl-init", true); var carousel = Object.create(Carousel); carousel.init(options, this); $.data(this, "owlCarousel", carousel); }); }; $.fn.owlCarousel.options = { items : 5, itemsCustom : false, itemsDesktop : [1199, 4], itemsDesktopSmall : [979, 3], itemsTablet : [768, 2], itemsTabletSmall : false, itemsMobile : [479, 1], singleItem : false, itemsScaleUp : false, slideSpeed : 200, paginationSpeed : 800, rewindSpeed : 1000, autoPlay : false, stopOnHover : false, navigation : false, navigationText : ["prev", "next"], rewindNav : true, scrollPerPage : false, pagination : true, paginationNumbers : false, responsive : true, responsiveRefreshRate : 200, responsiveBaseWidth : window, baseClass : "owl-carousel", theme : "owl-theme", lazyLoad : false, lazyFollow : true, lazyEffect : "fade", autoHeight : false, jsonPath : false, jsonSuccess : false, dragBeforeAnimFinish : true, mouseDrag : true, touchDrag : true, addClassActive : false, transitionStyle : false, beforeUpdate : false, afterUpdate : false, beforeInit : false, afterInit : false, beforeMove : false, afterMove : false, afterAction : false, startDragging : false, afterLazyLoad: false };
}(jQuery, window, document));

I excluded it from the file, tried to load it async, defer or anywhere, but it only works if it's before everything - the head I mean.

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برچسب : نویسنده : استخدام کار wpss بازدید : 241 تاريخ : دوشنبه 30 فروردين 1395 ساعت: 23:12