Why doesn't Google index articles on free blogging platforms?

ساخت وبلاگ
I post articles on such platform blogs:

The result is null. Google simply does not want to index articles on such sites. I ordered the placement of links on them, also the result is zero. At the same time, I tried to transfer the article from this platform to a regular site by the authors and the lack of the ability to add to any person. And there the article immediately got into the index. It tus out they are littered with these sites...

Why doesn't Google index articles on free blogging platforms? WordPress ...
ما را در سایت WordPress دنبال می کنید

برچسب : نویسنده : استخدام کار wpss بازدید : 207 تاريخ : چهارشنبه 30 شهريور 1401 ساعت: 21:04