need a little help with php or css

ساخت وبلاگ
Hello friends
I hope you are all well. :)
I need a little help from you if you are familiar with css or PhP.
I needed a grid display component for my site, and after searching I found a suitable one and installed it. Now the problem is that after activating the module related to this component on any page, the menu at the top of my site stops working. It means that there is an interference between the grid component and the menu. If I disable the grid module, the menu works again without...

need a little help with php or css WordPress ...
ما را در سایت WordPress دنبال می کنید

برچسب : نویسنده : استخدام کار wpss بازدید : 215 تاريخ : يکشنبه 30 بهمن 1401 ساعت: 3:22