loftocean on "[Plugin: LoftBuilder] What template is used for displaying page content?"

ساخت وبلاگ


That’s very interesting, because LoftBuilder did have this feature before launched - both of us (a designer and a developer) agreed that we’d better include a blank page template as a part of a theme but not of a plugin. So we just removed it.

But there are 2 methods to achieve this goal:

1. Recommended currently:

Hide site header, footer (and anything else) by adding custom CSS.

First, please use a browser developer tool to find site header and footer. (screenshot)

When you open the LoftBuilder editor screen (screenshot):
1. Click on “Custom CSS” button in the main toolbar.
2. Add CSS rules to hide these elements.
3. Save the settings.
4. Save the page.

2. We are working on our first theme for LoftBuilder. The blank page template will be included. The theme will be available to download soon, and it’s free. So stay tuned please. : )

Hope it helps. Also, if you have any suggestion or idea about this feature, feel free to post it here please.


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