Greg Ross on "[Plugin: Schedule Posts Calendar] Scheduled drafts are being published immediately when clicking Schedule button"

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For the last few weeks I have been having this issue with increasing regularity. I thought It was something I did wrong, but in deactivating this plugin I've discovered the issue has stopped, so I want to bring it to your attention.

Here's the sequence of events as they have been happening:
1. I begin drafting a post, and use the calendar to schedule the post in the future.
2. I save the draft of the post with the scheduled date as I work; the calendar displays the scheduled date as when the post will be published.
3. After making further revisions to the draft (sometimes in the same work session, sometimes after retuing to it later on) and feeling it is ready to publish, I click on SCHEDULE, so that the post will be automatically published at the scheduled time.
4. Instead of scheduling the post at the assigned day and time, the post is immediately published.

Basically, I schedule the post, work on writing it, and when I'm finished and ready to publish it, the scheduled date is overwritten and it publishes immediately.

Any thoughts on this?

- - , .

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برچسب : نویسنده : استخدام کار wpss بازدید : 236 تاريخ : جمعه 30 بهمن 1394 ساعت: 22:11