wp.insider on "[Plugin: Simple Membership] Can we make the link to PayPal checkout responsive on mobile?"

ساخت وبلاگ

Thank you. More payment gateways would be great and that + mobile compatibility would IMHO make your plugin one of the best membership solutions for WordPress out there right now.

I've tried the checkout on an iPhone 6+, a Samsung Galaxy S7 and an iPad Air 2 (in portrait mode to simulate a cell phone view) and it's all the same.

This is a screenshot of my phone when you click the PayPal button:


You can resize your browser to see how illegible it is at that size.

Note how different the PayPal checkout screen looks when you click the PayPal checkout button on this page, which uses the WP Shopping Cart plugin:


THAT is the link to the truly responsive PayPal checkout, and doesn't require PayPal on mobile checkout.


Maybe you can compare the code of that plugin to yours and see what they do differently that makes theirs responsive and not yours? Might that help?

Otherwise, I really hate to say it, but I'm going to have to uninstall yours and use a membership solution, because over half of my traffic is coming from mobile right now and this is without a doubt costing me a LOT of money. I really like Simple Membership, and I've purchased add-ons, so I don't want to have to do that.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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