QantumThemes on "[Plugin: Page Builder: King Composer - Top 1 Free Drag and Drop website builder by King-Theme] The best page builder ever seen"

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Thanks for the fix! The new version fixed it.

By the way, sorry to say, still a new issue came out with the very latest version just updated: I noticed it fixed the issue of the paragraphs breaking (doing a new line in a text block was not breaking the row in frontend) but now 2 new annoying issues happened:

1) The plugin is treating the output of shortcodes used in text blocks as if it is normal text in the text block. Not cool at all, as it converts new lines of the javascript in BR.
This for example, breaks the output of popupar plugins as the Revolution slider.

It wasn't happening till previous version.

Is like if a filter is added just before the code is printed, and breaks the output to new line even when is output from a shortcode.

2) BR tags added everywhere: I was writing a very simple slider plugin, all good, and was acting perfectly as shortcode in a text block of the King.
After the update (not even the latest, but the one before) I noticed spaces appearing after many tags like IMG and others.
Really, a BR tag appended to other html tags output of shortcodes.
Not very cool :)

After imprecating a while, I noticed that putting the shortcodes in a normal page without King, this wasn't happening.

The first issue seems to be solved if instead of text you put the shortcodes in a CODE block, but sometimes you don't want to do that.
The second issue, was impossible for me to solve, so for a new site I was building, I had to switch to my old composer.
Is a shame cos I was totally in love with the King... is just very very unstable at the moment...

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برچسب : نویسنده : استخدام کار wpss بازدید : 442 تاريخ : جمعه 31 ارديبهشت 1395 ساعت: 23:57