Andrew Nevins on "Panthur Hosting - How to install my bought WP theme"

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Hi everyone!
I know there are hundreds of threads with the same kind of question but I'm having a massive brain blank and can't synthesise instructions for other paid hosting sites with Panthur (which is what my client bought and wants me to use).

Basically, could someone give me a step-to-step on how to install the theme and edit it for my client?

My client's IT guy said I have to use cPanel, and that I wouldn't need access to myqsl.

I have already installed WordPress using Installatron.

I also noticed some other wordpress themes already existing in the following directory:
I tried uploading all the .css, .js and .php files from the theme I downloaded..

The theme I want to install is 'Edu' from themeforest.

Any help would be incredibly appreciated!!

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برچسب : نویسنده : استخدام کار wpss بازدید : 429 تاريخ : دوشنبه 31 خرداد 1395 ساعت: 20:19