Tracy Levesque on "[Plugin: Easy Forms for MailChimp] Feature Request: Campaign Display in Wordpress"

ساخت وبلاگ

Mark Burgess
Posted 2 days ago #

The Javascript supplied by Mailchimp for listing Campaigns is weak. You're system taps into that data, having a module that would allow a method to add the Campaigns as posts or at least present the campaigns and an excerpt would be nice.

Hi Mark,

This is a very interesting idea. What campaign information, exactly, would you like to see displayed?

Thank you!

Mark Burgess
Posted 2 days ago #

Mailchimp offers Javascript to pull subject lines with links to their archive into a local web page but not much control. My solution is to send email to the website when sending a campaign, then the whole page is available on the website, although the graphics are still pulled from Mailchimp. The idea is to make the campaigns into web content.

Hi Mark,

Thank you for the suggestion.

This is out of scope for our base plugin, but it would be a good candidate for an add-on. We'll add this to our list of ideas.

Thank you!

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