Denzel Chia on "[Theme: evolve] Menu problem"

ساخت وبلاگ

I have a problem with evolve theme (free theme) on WordPress. After the update the menu changed and I don't know what to do. Can you check ?
Thank you

how menu changed?

If you visit the blog from a desktop now I have the section "Home" that is white and you can't read the words and then if you click on others menu section like "Viaggi in Europa" the menu open with all section and not only with those who are linked to the topic "Viaggi in Europa".


Have you tried the Font Color setting in Theme Options -> Typography -> Menu ?

Thank you

hello,, I have a problem with my website in mobile view,, when i checked the website from mobile the appearance of it very very bad.. how I can change the position of the logo and the menu without change in the desktop view??
and I had used evolve theme,, please help me
Thank you

Posted 20 hours ago #

Within the last five weeks, several people have reported an issue in Chrome that breaks the WordPress admin menu. If you hover the mouse ... plz inform me when the problem will

Hi @fevergang and @duha05

As per WordPress Forum rule. Please open a new thread for your topic.

I will also need your website URL.

To @fevergang

This URL resolves to a blogger blog, not WordPress.

Thank you

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