judepbizzupnet on "[Plugin: User Role Editor] Javascript error when used in conjunction with Visual Composer"

ساخت وبلاگ

Cyril Batillat
Posted 1 day ago #


I encounter a Javascript error on User Role Editor admin page (/wp-admin/users.php?page=users-user-role-editor.php) when Visual Composer is installed.

The error: Uncaught Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: #vc_access_rules_backend_editor/disabled_ce_editor in file ure-js.js at line 657
(I suppose the errors comes from the / in the capacity name)

User Role Editor version: 4.27
Visual Composer version: 4.12

Is there a workaround for this?

Thanks for your great plugin which saved my day multiple times.


Hi Cyril,

Thanks for the information and good feedback.
I reproduced this error at my development environment. I will return with a solution as I decide how to resolve this conflict.

Posted 57 seconds ago #

This plugin seem promising but I'm having the same issue with Visual Composer. None of the links on the side seem to work (i.e. Add Role, Rename Role, etc.) because of this issue. Vladimir, I'm anxiously waiting for your update.

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