Kori Ashton on "Oh No - I've made my blog titles half visible by attempting to play with CSS"

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Two little problems at clarejoneslondon.com and in particular my blog posts - e.g. this one - www.clarejoneslondon.com/uncategorized/low-tox-nail-polish/

I'd really appreciate any help.

(1) OK, so this amateur was trying to get rid of the Author name and Comments from the top of each blog post (I am fine with date and categories also on there). Started messing with CSS and Blog Post. No joy unfortunately, but tried a few things.

(2) Then I discovered that I must have removed something when attempting to play with fire because the blog title itself is now half hiding under the top banner in my (Shop Isle) Theme.


Do you have any solutions out there nice folks to address either or both of these problems.

Thanks so much in advance.

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