kathyh7 on "2 diff custom sidebar plugins Not functioning w/Tiny Framework child"

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I deleted all of my work in the theme and every other preset changes that I did. I uploaded another theme so there would be something there or I would not be able to find my site when I deleted your themes to start over, per someone at my hosting site.

I then deleted the Tiny Framework parent theme. I deleted the child theme.
I uploaded from the zip files from my original download in my computer.

But, for some reason, the child theme, after being uploaded from the zip file still showed some of the changes I made, like the background color on the site.

Deleted both the parent theme and the child theme again from my dashboard.
Deleted both zip files from my computer. Searched (the internet, not through my dashboard) for the parent theme again - downloaded it.

Searched for the child theme zip file within the parent theme zip file, because that is where it was when I first downloaded it and this is what your website says about the parent theme download:

This [child] theme comes preloaded with every Tiny Framework download and is located in inc/examples/tiny-framework-child.zip. Just unzip, upload it as a separate theme alongside with Tiny Framework parent theme (both themes should be uploaded for child theme to work), activate it and you're ready to go!

No, I'm not because there is no .zip extension within the parent theme inc/examples/tiny-framework-child on the 2.2 parent version, like there was when I first downloaded the 2.1 version.

Now I'm stuck with no way to start over, after deleting everything!

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برچسب : نویسنده : استخدام کار wpss بازدید : 624 تاريخ : پنجشنبه 11 شهريور 1395 ساعت: 5:23